As expert SharePoint guides, we have refined the process for seamlessly transitioning file shares to SharePoint. Below, we will give you an overview followed by detailed steps.

1) Evaluate File Shares:
Utilize a tool to systematically list out the folders’ structure.

Restructure into Taxonomy:
Transform the existing structure into a well-organized taxonomy that separates metadata based on date, purpose, and status. Typically, folder structures encompass a blend of these metadata types, and the key lies in simplifying the structure as much as possible.

Review by SMEs:
Once the taxonomy is established, subject matter experts (SMEs) responsible for crucial company data review it. The focus should be on identification of “important company data.” Then, a Proof of Concept (POC) starter project is initiated using the most important data. This familiarizes everyone with Enterprise Content Management (ECM) principles, shows them how SharePoint works, and gets them comfortable transferring content into SharePoint.

Facilitate Migration:
To start the content migration into SharePoint, use the established taxonomy to create pre-tagged folders. Then, show your stakeholders how to open a SharePoint document library with Windows Explorer, and save their favorites. This approach allows them to interact with SharePoint like a traditional file share on their network. They can effortlessly drag content into the designated folders and gain firsthand experience of its value using search capabilities.
As we have worked with our clients, we have observed that the sooner an Amazon shopping cart-like experience is put in place with company data, the faster you will get endorsement and adoption. Once everyone understands how easy it is to locate data, collaboration flourishes, paving the way for sustained success.
Need help Migrating File Shares to SharePoint?
If you would like help migrating file shares to SharePoint, Rego can help. Our team of SharePoint experts are ready to help you leverage best practices, taking a crawl, walk, run approach for maximum adoption and a seamless transition. For a no-pressure conversation, contact us today.