Free AWS Well-Architected Framework Review

Identify and Address Critical Issues in Your AWS Environment Today

Get the Easiest and Fastest Well-Architected Framework Review

Well architected framework review

Why Choose Our Free AWS Well-Architected Review?

  • Our Reviews Take 90% Less Time and Effort Than Competitors
    We leverage automations with AWS native services and integrations to find misconfigurations, security gaps, and remediate items instantly. We can conduct your review within just a few hours with only a couple of your team members.

  • Identify Risks and Opportunities
    Our comprehensive review will pinpoint critical areas to improve security, performance, cost-efficiency, reliability, and operations.

  • Leverage Expert Guidance
    Work with Rego’s AWS Certified Engineers who have extensive experience optimizing cloud environments. They have 10+ years of experience helping the world’s leading companies build and maintain processes to support industry compliance requirements and best practices.

  • Drive Continuous Improvement
    Implement best practices to ensure your AWS infrastructure is always performing at its best.

What is a Well-Architected Framework Review?

Developed by AWS, the AWS Well-Architected Review is a comprehensive evaluation of your organization’s AWS cloud infrastructure based on the AWS Well-Architected Framework. This framework provides a set of best practices designed to help businesses build a secure, high-performing, resilient, and efficient AWS infrastructure for their applications.

The review focuses on identifying and addressing critical areas across six key pillars. You will choose which of the six pillars are most important to focus on during the review.

6 pillars of the wafr

The 6 Pillars of the AWS Well-Architected Framework

  • Security: Ensure your data is protected and improve your Improve your security posture

  • Cost Optimization: Reduce costs and maximize ROI by building cost-aware workloads.

  • Reliability: Ensure your workloads are performing consistently and can recover quickly from failures.

  • Performance Efficiency: Optimize resource use to maintain efficiency as demand changes.

  • Operational Excellence: Improve operational procedures and increase system reliability.

  • Sustainability: Minimize the environmental impacts of running your cloud workloads.

Steps of the Well-Architected Framework Review

  • 1
    Rego will introduce you to the 6 pillars of the AWS Well-Architected Framework. You will also get an introduction to the AWS Well-Architected Tool. Together, we will identify existing or potential workloads to analyze.
  • 2
    Rego will help you configure the automation tool to be used for the review.
  • 3
    Rego will help you complete a self-assessment using the AWS Well-Architected Framework Questionnaire.
  • 4
    Rego will host a kick-off meeting to get to know you, your short and long-term goals, your environment, and the strategies you might have in place for your workloads.
  • 5

    Rego’s team of AWS certified experts will conduct a comprehensive assessment of your AWS workload(s) and infrastructure using the 6 pillars of the AWS Well-Architected Framework.

  • 6
    You will receive a Well-Architected Framework Review Report with findings and recommendations, tailored to your organization’s needs.
  • 7
    You will receive an Improvement Plan containing a prioritized set of recommendations to remediate agreed upon high-risk issues.
  • 8
    Rego will remedy selected High Risk Issues outlined in the Improvement Plan, which the customer has approved of.
  • 9
    Rego will review remediations with you, including remediated items and recommendations for continued success.
  • 10

    Rego will enable you to continuously monitor and improve your workloads.

  • 11
    You will receive a credit request from AWS and a customer satisfaction survey.
what will i get with a well architected framework review?

What Will I Get?

  • A comprehensive review of your AWS infrastructure utilizing the 6 pillars of the AWS Well-Architected Framework
  • A report of action items and recommendations to ensure your AWS infrastructure is secure, optimized, and following AWS best practices. This report can then be used to create a roadmap for improving your infrastructure.
  • Guidance from Rego Consulting’s team of AWS consultants, who have helped 100+ AWS customers – including Fortune 500 companies.

When Do I Need an AWS Well-Architected Framework Review?

AWS recommends completing Well-Architected Framework Reviews on a regular basis to ensure your infrastructure is secure and optimized for success. It is also best practice to complete a review any time you launch a new AWS workload or hit a key milestone during a product’s lifecycle.