Case Study: Rego experts help improve reporting, adoption, and cost monitoring.
Industry: Auto Manufacturing
Company Size: 60,000+
Apptio Use: For managing IT costs
The Customer:
A publicly traded global auto manufacturing company that sold over two million vehicles in North America in 2021. The auto giant’s manufactured products include vehicles and auto parts such as engines, auto electronics, batteries, and air compressors. As of 2022, it supports nearly 20 sales, manufacturing, holding companies, and warehouse business locations within North America. The company produces three of the top products globally and employs over 60K staff members worldwide.
The Challenge:
Despite being a world leader in manufacturing, production, and design, this company’s financial and IT business units lacked a single source of truth (SSOT). Many valuable resource hours were dedicated to manual data entry into Excel. This was done to gather the data needed to create financial and budget reports, and often the reports would take a month to produce.
Adding to their challenges, three business units in different locations often used disparate business solutions. There was limited automated data sharing, so volumes of information had to be manually compiled to produce reports containing data for more than one location. Creating reports in this manner was time-consuming and resulted in opportunities for error.
The Solution:
Working with Rego, this organization created a list of goals with action items to help them achieve their objectives. Proposed solutions included optimizing the use of the business solutions already owned by the company and the support of Rego Apptio experts. The solution included:
- Centralizing data: Create Apptio data depository and the ability to pull consistent data from business solutions such as SAP and ServiceNow.
- Automating reporting: Employ Rego’s Apptio team to help build automated routine reports.
- Leveraging Rego Apptio experts: Utilize Apptio experts to help manage data as an extension of the in-house teams.
- Expanding Apptio’s consultant contributions: Beyond reporting, engage experts to help with processes, strategy, and socialization.
- Improved forecasting: Roll up forecasts with IT planning (ITP), and cost transparency (CT) considerations.
- Leveraging the table cell annotation feature to increase collaboration between over ten IT Owners.
The Results:
Improved Reporting
- Consistent data is accessible from a centralized depository and is available from all auto manufacturing locations.
- 93% increase in report productivity. Monthly actual reports that took a month to compile before improvements only require two days.
- Better and faster reporting allows them to produce more reports to gain insight into other business areas.
Increased Adoption
- 95%+ adoption rate. Apptio users grew from a few users to 200+ users.
- Nearly 100% increase in usage.
- Average over 3,000 report views per month.
- The executive team now utilizes Apptio daily to help run their lines of business.
Next-Level Wins
- Using Apptio, this auto manufacturing company is improving reporting abilities to provide vendor insight such as contract and payment monitoring.
- They are tracking application cost of ownership and leveraging Apptio helps to make better IT investment decisions. Apptio helps them manage $100s of millions of IT spend.
- By improving application rationalization insight, they are evaluating resource, infrastructure, and other overhead costs along with license costs.
- Apptio is utilized to manage spend for nearly 400 Cost Centers.
- Teams are positioning to integrate Agile best practices.