testimonial for regoUniversity 2015We’re lucky to host the world’s most accomplished minds at the largest, dedicated CA PPM training event of the year: regoUniversity. If you’re deep in the technical side of CA PPM, you’ll sharpen your skills and rub shoulders with industry innovators. 

Technical Track Opportunities for CA PPM

Could you use a technically rich environment with time to dive into code and collaborate with other developers? Join Rego’s team and your peers as we explore CA PPM related topics that include Jaspersoft, Performance Integrations, Advanced Portlets, GEL Scripts / XOG, Data Model, Upgrades, Transition to On Demand, Security, and SQL Tuning.

Do you have a specific problem you just can’t solve? Try open or scheduled lab times and spend time with topic experts discussing solutions, tips, and tricks. Find out what new products are available, the future of CA PPM, and how to optimize your CA PPM environment, so you can make a high impact on your organization. View last year’s testimonials.

What Sessions Should You Attend?

If you’re technical, try a schedule like Brandon’s. Brandon works as an Application Developer primarily customizing his CA PPM environment. He’s heard a lot about Jaspersoft’s capabilities and wants to learn more.

Brandon is learning CA PPM at regoUniversitySample Schedule:

+ A Deep Dive into Jaspersoft: Part One and Two

+ Advanced Technical | Data Model: Accessible Data

+ Advanced Technical | Maximizing Portlet Function to Personalize Output

+ Advanced Technical | Creating and Tuning SQL Queries that Engage Users

+ Advanced Technical | GEL Scripts: Enhanced Functionality and Integration

+ Advanced Technical | Interface Strategies and Methods: Integration

+ Advanced Technical | Enhancing Application Performance: Root Causes and Quick Solutions

+ Advanced Technical | Cool Technical Tricks: Open Sharing

Brandon will have a lot to share during the Open Sharing session and can help his colleagues through a couple difficult problems. He’ll leave with confidence knowing he can take on any CA PPM technical challenge that comes his way.

Optimize Your PPM Environment

Whatever tracks you choose, CA PPM experts—from Rego’s team to peer and industry leaders—will expose you to new ways of thinking. Learn how others are pushing CA PPM knowledge to maximize results. Register for early bird pricing today.


What technical trainings will you attend at regoUniversity? Tell us in the comments below.

If you liked this post, stay tuned for our next: “CA PPM—Governance Track, regoUniversity 2015.” Join our mailing list below.

About the Author: Rego Consulting

As the leading Strategic Portfolio Management (SPM), Project Portfolio Management (PPM), Technology Business Management (TBM), Agile and expert services provider, Rego Consulting has helped hundreds of organizations achieve a higher return on their software investment, including 60% of Fortune 100 and 70% of Fortune 20 companies.

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