At regoUniversity, the largest, dedicated CA PPM training event of the year, industry leaders are gathering. Are you a PMO or PPM leader? We’ll provide you with real-world solutions you can begin implementing right away to increase efficiency and results.
Governance Track Opportunities for CA PPM
Our Governance track sessions include Adoption and Perception, Metrics, PPM Support, Agile and Other Products, Application Portfolio Management, Training, Transition to On Demand, and PPM Process.
It’s critical to find solutions to motivate and drive your teams. Collaborate with other thought leaders, discuss solutions with Rego Consulting’s team, and discover the future of CA PPM, so you can keep your organization scaling and productive. View last year’s testimonials.
What Sessions Should You Attend?
If you work in governance, you might try a schedule like Jonathan’s. Jonathan, a PMO Manager, wants to take his company’s CA PPM environment to the next level. He is mostly concerned with automation and adoption. And because he has a solid understanding of CA PPM, he wants to keep his focus on the governance track.
+ Adoption | Maximizing Your Training Strategy: Tools of the Trade
+ Adoption | Preparing Metrics That Matter: Enhancing Customization and Automation
+ Adoption | Visualizing Application Value: Creating Overview Dashboards
+ Adoption | Increasing CA PPM Perception And Adoption
+ Adoption | Experts Unplugged: Uncovering Dashboards
+ Managing CA PPM | Successful Upgrades: Everything You Need to Know for A Smooth Transition
+ Managing CA PPM | Transitioning to CA PPM On Demand: Get the Results you Need When You Need Them
+ Managing CA PPM | Agile Process & the Role of CA PPM in the IT Ecosystem of Tools
+ Managing CA PPM | Optimizing Your CA PPM Support Team
+ Managing CA PPM | Transitioning to CA PPM On Demand: Get the Results you Need When You Need Them
+ Improved PPM Process Maturity
+ Case Study: How Companies Are Using CA PPM for Application Portfolio Management
+ Using CA PPM for Effective Program Management
Jonathan will leave regoUniversity with over 300 new contacts and fresh ideas on how to increase adoption and effectively automate his company’s CA PPM environment.
Optimize Your PPM Environment
Whatever tracks you choose, you’ll socialize with CA PPM leaders from Rego’s expert team and peer-leaders in the industry—many of whom deal with the same kinds of challenges you face. Problem-solve together and drive your instance of CA PPM to maximized results. Register for early bird pricing today.
What governance trainings are you planning on at regoUniversity? Tell us in the comments below. If you liked this post, stay tuned for our next, “8 Strategies to Guarantee CA PPM Adoption.” Join our mailing list below.