Interested in checking out some new content on RegoXchange? We’ve recently released nine new reports, one new process, and a new module available for download right now. This is in addition to the 79 free course materials from RegoUniversity (available here). If you’re familiar with RegoXchange, you’ve probably already stopped reading to head over to the download section.
For the rest of you, the RegoXchange is the largest Clarity PPM content library with hundreds of existing portlets, training materials, reports, technical tricks, and workflows designed to help users increase the value of PPM. There are two subscription options, with free samples in theBasiX and full content access in theWorX.
RegoXchange Library
Free Samples in theBasiX, Full Content in theWorX
Here’s the rundown on our new content on RegoXchange and how it can help you:
Jaspersoft Report: All Assignments
All Assignments report provides Managers a single place to view all the assignments associated with a project(s). Users can view only the investments to which they have access. This report also displays ETC, Actuals, Total Effort, Days Old (Elapsed days between Task Finish Date and Today’s Date), Days Late (Elapsed days between Task Finish date and Task Baseline Finish date) associated with the task. You can further narrow your search by OBS Type & Path, Resource Name, Project Manager, Project Name, Project ID, Is project Active?, Assignment Start Date, Assignment Finish Date, Assignment Status, and Task Status. Download it here. |
Jaspersoft Report: All Tasks
All Tasks report provides the Project Managers a single place to view all the tasks associated with a project(s). Users can view only the investments to which they have access. Project Managers can use this report to view the progress of the tasks and check how the tasks are performing against baseline date. Users can further narrow their search by OBS Type & Path, Investment Name, Month Start Date, and Is Project Active? Download it here. |
Jaspersoft Report: Project Status and Costs
Project Status and Costs report gives the Project Manager a single place to view various Project Statuses (Cost and Effort, Schedule, Scope and Overall) and Costs (Planned, Budget & Actuals) for multiple projects. Users can further narrow their search by OBS Type & Path, Project Name, Project Manager, and Is Project Active? Check it out here. |
Jaspersoft Report: Time by Investment(theWorX)
Time by Investment report displays time spent by resources on investment(s). Users can view only the investments to which they have access. Information can be drilled to Yearly, Quarterly or Monthly level. Users can further narrow their search by OBS Type & Path, Investment Name, Month Start Date, and Is Project Active? Access this report here. |
Jaspersoft Report: All Issues(theWorX)
All Issues report provides the Project Managers a single place to view all the Issues across multiple projects. Users can view only the investments to which they have access. This report provides Issue information such as ID, Name, Category, Assigned To, Status, Priority, Target Resolution Date and Days Open ( # of days Issue is open ). Users can further narrow their search by OBS Type & Path, Issue Name, Project Name, Project ID, Is Project Active?, Issue Owner, Issue Status, Issue Target Resolution Date, Issue Category, and Issue Priority. Free download available here. |
Jaspersoft Report: Project Budget vs Planned vs Actual by Month
Project Budget vs Planned vs Actual by Month report provides the Project Managers a single place to view Project Budget, Planned and Actual Cost for multiple projects. Project Managers can use this view to compare various costs for that project in a particular month. Users can further narrow their search by OBS Type & Path, Is Project Active?, Fiscal Month Start Date, Investment Manager, and Investment Name. Link to file. |
Jaspersoft Report: Projects Within Baseline Finish
Projects within Baseline Finish Report is a pie chart that displays projects that have a baseline or do not have a baseline. Projects with baseline are further segregated into within or outside baseline finish. Mouse over on the pie chart displays the % of projects within a particular category. You can further narrow your search by OBS Type & Path, Project Finish Date, and Is Project Active? Get it here. |
Jaspersoft Report: Projects by Status Indicator Projects by Status Indicator is a pie chart that displays count of projects by out of box Status Indicator attribute. Legend displays the colors associated with various Status Indicator values. Mouse over the pie chart slice displays the count of projects associated with that respective Status Indicator value. You can further narrow your search by OBS Path, Project Manager, and Is Project Active? Free Download Here. |
Jaspersoft Report: Project Count by Stage
Project Count by Stage is a bar chart that displays count of projects by out of box Stage attribute. Stage attribute values are plotted on X-axis. Mouse over the bar chart slice displays the count of projects associated with that respective Stage value. You can further narrow your search by Is Project Active?, Methodology, and Stage. Download available here. |
Workflow Process: PM Stalker – Project Validations & Issues
PM Stalker – Project Validations & Issues executes various queries against the Clarity database and sends an email to all PMs who have one or more projects with any of the following conditions:
This notification will assist PMs to maintain their projects and keep them current. |
Configuration Module: Project Estimation Module
The Rego Project Estimation Module Provides a more accurate estimate earlier in the idea/project lifecycle.
Check back with us next month for even more content. And to stay current on new content on RegoXchange, subscribe to our blog today.
Let Rego Be Your Guide
Join us live and in-person at RegoUniversity–sponsored by Broadcom–in San Diego Sept 29-Oct 2 and learn from the expert guides who deliver Clarity PPM and Agile services to 60% of Fortune 20 companies.
Rego also offers free health assessments, webinars, and half-day training classes for Clarity PPM on Roadmaps in the Modern UX, Power BI, Portfolio Management, and Jaspersoft.
For a full list of Clarity Services, visit regoconsulting.com.