Six new Power BI reports and two Oracle workflow processes, available upon request.
We’re constantly adding to our already robust RegoXchange library, and this month is no exception.
Six new Power BI reports and two workflow processes are now available upon request to users with a RegoXchange subscription to theWorX.
In addition to the latest Power BI reports and Oracle workflow processes, RegoXchange houses hundreds of existing portlets, training material, reports, technical tricks, and workflows designed to help users increase the value of Clarity PPM without developing from scratch.
Here’s a quick overview of the latest additions for Power BI Reports:
Power BI Report: Late Tasks
This report provides Project Managers with a single place to view all the Tasks past their baseline finish date. This report provides information such as Investment ID, Investment Name, Investment Manager, Task Name, Start Date, Finish Date, ETC Hours, Days Old, and Days Late in Table view. Users can further narrow their search by OBS Type & Path, Investment Manager, Investment Name, and whether the Task is a Milestone or not. |
Power BI Report: Late Issues
This report provides Project Managers with a single place to view all the Open Issues past their target resolution date. This report provides information such as Issue Count, Issues by OBS Level 2, Priority, Status, and Target Resolution Date in a Stacked Column Chart. In addition, this report also has a Table view of Issue information such as Investment Name, Issue Name, Investment Manager, Issue ID, Owner, Target Resolution Date, Status, and Priority. Users can further narrow their search by OBS Type & Path and Target Resolution Date. |
Power BI Report: Late Risks
This report gives Project Managers a single place to view all the Open Risks past their target resolution date. This report provides information such as Risk Count, Risks by OBS Level 2, Priority, Status, and Year in a Stacked Column Chart. In addition, this report also has a Table view of Risk information such as Investment Name, Risk Name, Investment Manager, Risk ID, Owner, Target Resolution Date, Status, Priority, and Days Open. Users can further narrow their search by OBS Type & Path and Target Resolution Date. |
Power BI Report: Missing Time by OBS
This report displays Resources whose timesheets are missed. There is Clustered Column Chart which displays Timesheets count by Resource. Also, there is table view of Resource, Resource Manager, Time Period Start and Finish Dates, Total Hours, and Timesheet status. User can narrow their search by OBS Type & Path and Project Manager, Resource Manager, Resource, Timesheet Status, and Time Period Start Date (Relative or Specific Date Range). |
Power BI Report: Missing Time by PM
This report displays Resources whose timesheets are missed by Project Manager. There is Clustered Column Chart which displays missed timesheets count by Project Manager. Also, there is table view of Project Manager, Resource, Time Period Start and Finish Dates, Total Hours and Timesheet status. User can narrow their search by OBS Type & Path and Project Manager, Resource Manager, Resource, Timesheet Status, and Time Period Start Date (Relative or Specific Date Range). |
Power BI Report: Missing Time by RM
This report displays Resources whose timesheets are missed by the Resource Manager. There is Clustered Column Chart which displays a missed timesheets count by Resource Manager. Also, there is table view of Resource Manager, Resource, Time Period Start and Finish Dates, Total Hours, and Timesheet status. User can narrow their search by OBS Type & Path, Resource Manager, Resource, Timesheet Status, and Time Period Start Date (Relative or Specific Date Range). |
Workflow Process: Remove RM Auto Permissions
This process can be used to remove all automatic permissions (Resource Manager Auto) granted to users as a result of becoming a resource manager (NOTE: The ability to remove the right is with the admin only). Link to Oracle file. |
Workflow Process: Remove PM Auto Permissions Description: This process can be used to remove all automatic permissions (Project Manager Auto) granted to users as a result of becoming a project manager (NOTE: The ability to remove the right is with the admin only). Link to Oracle file. |
Be sure to check the RegoXchange library regularly for the latest updates and additions. Subscribe to our blog for more PPM news.
Let Rego Be Your Guide
Join us live and in-person at RegoUniversity–sponsored by Broadcom–in San Diego Sept 29-Oct 2 and learn from the expert guides who deliver Clarity PPM and Agile services to 60% of Fortune 20 companies.
Rego also offers free health assessments, webinars, and half-day training classes for Clarity PPM on Roadmaps in the Modern UX, Power BI, Portfolio Management, and Jaspersoft.
For a full list of Clarity Services, visit regoconsulting.com.