There are many ways to make Clarity PPM’s Modern UX easier to navigate, and we’ve put together several two-minute videos to help. Check them out below, on RegoXchange, and at our YouTube channel.
Now let’s take a look at these Modern UX quick tips:
Create a Custom Picklist Now, Project Managers can create and save custom picklists in the Modern UX roadmaps feature. Discover how to create a custom picklist, and assign a name, settings, and color to it. Use your new picklist across roadmap views. Watch it here. |
Create a Global Lookup Attribute Clarity PPM Administrators can use a Global Lookup Attribute to capture data across views. Find out how to create, populate, and deploy it in this quick video tutorial. Watch it here. |
View Staffing Periods Project Managers and Resource Managers can view and modify telescoping periods in the Modern UX to drive data. This step-by-step demo shows you how to implement the process in your own workflow. Check it out here. |
Access My Tasks This video gives you a quick tip for accessing the My Tasks link, where you can find each task that’s assigned to you. You can update properties within the project, update conversations, and monitor project tasks all in one view. Check it out here. |
Group By on Financial Plans (Cost Plan and Budget Plan) Explore Group By functionality to transform your data options when you view financial plans. It can be used for both cost plans and budget plans. Watch it here. |
Check back with us next month for more content from the RegoXchange. Our developers are always adding new material. And to stay current on all things Clarity PPM, subscribe to our blog today.
Let Rego Be Your Guide
Rego also offers free health assessments, webinars, and half-day training classes for Clarity PPM on Roadmaps in the Modern UX, Power BI, Portfolio Management, and Jaspersoft.
For a full list of Clarity Services, visit regoconsulting.com.