Case Study: Streamlined Organizational Processes and Dashboards

Company: America First Credit Union
Industry: Financial Services
Company Size: 3000+
Smartsheet Use: Streamlined Organizational Processes and Dashboards
The Customer
America First Credit Union is a premiere financial services provider with over 11.713 billion U.S. dollars in assets. Founded in 1939, the federally charted union serves over 1 million customers, with 131 branch locations and 30,000 ATMs in the United States.
The Challenge
The credit union approached Rego Consulting to design an easier process for creating and tracking their human resources bi-annual employee reviews.
Before working with Rego, the credit union was tracking the manger comment portion of their employee reviews with over 250+ Excel spreadsheets used between different departments. These files were shared via email and then had to be filled out and returned.
Once the spreadsheets were emailed back, a master document was created by manually combining all the data from the files. This master document was then uploaded into a vendor application for distribution to employees.
As an organization with over 3,000 employees, this re-occurring project took several hours of work for each department and often resulted in duplicate entries or missing data.
The process was also difficult to track and complete on time as there were no reports or dashboards to monitor the status of the recurring project.
The Solution
Using the credit union’s pre-existing Smartsheet license, Rego Consulting was able to create a streamlined process using tools that were already highly adopted within the organization.
The human resource team was able to upload the parameters they needed directly into Smartsheet. From there, an email “send update request” was sent to all managers.
With the Smartsheet email request directly in their inbox, managers could access the file with one click and enter information.
Best of all, during the entire process, the Human Resources team and leadership had access to a dashboard that showed metric data and reports to monitor real-time statuses. This created a one-stop shop for viewing progress, tracking the quality of the data, and identifying stakeholders that needed automated reminders of upcoming deadlines. When the project was complete, all the data was simply exported into one excel spreadsheet and uploaded into their on-line recognition application.
The Results
150+ Hours Saved Each Project Cycle: Today, America First Credit Union completes their employee review process faster while saving resource time.
$40,000+ Saved Yearly: With Smartsheet, the number of employee hours for this project has diminished, saving the credit union thousands of dollars every project cycle.
Birds-Eye View: Using their Smartsheet dashboard, HR and leadership can now instantly see how the project is progressing and who’s data is still missing. They are also able to send automated reminders to keep everyone on course.
Eliminated Data Errors and Double Entry: With the new Smartsheet employee review process, the data errors that previously occurred from manually combining hundreds of spreadsheets are gone.
Secured HR Data: Employee reviews are now entered onto Smartsheet’s secure platform. This means sensitive employee information is no longer shared with multiple stakeholders via email.
Reduced Stress on Leadership: With the streamlined Smartsheet process, leadership can focus more time on creating value rather than administrative tasks and trying to determine statuses for each department.
Moving Forward
America First Credit Union is continuing to partner with Rego Consulting as they look to create efficient processes and gain greater visibility into their organization. Together, they are developing a new semi-annual bonus process for the human resource department. Additionally, with Rego, the facilities team is leveraging Smartsheet as their return-to-office solution.