Case Study: The organization needed a way to thrive and adapt when facing a reduced staff and financial forecasting needs
Industry: Nonprofit Hospital System and Research Organization
Company Size: 63,000+
Clarity Use: Project Management Office (PMO), Finance, Planning and Development
The Challenge
Faced with declining revenue during the pandemic, the hospital system and medical research organization needed to assess if they could keep their organization afloat with a reduced staff capacity. At the same time, they also needed to know if their limited staff could complete vitally important revenue generating projects.
As they moved forward with Rego, it became clear the hospital system needed a solution to track resources and improve their financial forecasting. To better understand their budget and thrive, the organization needed a way to track and understand how much output they could expect from each of their staff members.
The Solution
The organization was able to take advantage of the Clarity platform and an Agile approach to meet their resource management and financial tracking needs, enabling them to emerge stronger and proactively prepare for future impacts.
With Rego’s expert consultant guides, the hospital system and medical research organization was able to utilize Clarity to:
- Perfectly map the mandate from the organization’s leadership team
- Deploy an Agile approach, time-boxed in 4-weeks to completion
- Develop high-level resource management and capacity planning processes and capabilities to provide IT leadership with exactly the data they needed to respond
- Pinpoint the time-tracking that was contributing to budgeting challenges
- Identify which resources were not charging time to their allocation and identify other areas where they could be assisting
- Identify when different programs were unwittingly sharing resources and over allocating by up to 50%
- Rescue a new program that would have been decommissioned due to over assigned shared resources
- Develop a plan to prevent resources from being overallocated in the future and improve communications between resource managers
The Results/Benefits
Today, the hospital system is thriving. They were able to keep the organization running without impact. Their IT department was able to analyze, select, and staff revenue generating projects during the pandemic and pivot to partner with other impacted industry leaders, such as airlines in response to COVID-19.
They can now track and record resource commitments for all their major programs, helping to prevent missed expectations, as they ensure the right number of resources are available for each program.
The client now uses effective budgeting and forecasting controls that allow them to stay on target. Their organization can see resourcing bottlenecks long before they happen, allowing them to pivot and assign the appropriate resources.
Moving forward, the organization is confident they have the right number of people for their programs and the financial forecasting processes and tools to support their resourcing needs.
They also have the foundation in place for full Portfolio Management and Scenario Planning as they look ahead to the future.